07 October 2010

Thursday Blog Share: Makeunder My Life

I really like to try to live my life doing the things I love.  That's why I adore Makeunder My Life by Jess Constable.  A jewellery designer by trade, her company Jess LC features lovely designs that I would totally wear.  But it's her blog that really draws me in.
It's all about living your life with intention and I whole heartedly believe in doing that for myself as much as I can.  From life to business to home, Jess is real and honest in her ups and downs, her goals and dreams.  Plus she always finds a way for you take away a lesson for yourself.  I especially like her dream reporter series, where business newbies go through the steps with us readers along for the ride.  This frank letter to small business owners felt like it was written for me...
But I don't think you have to have a busines to relate to Jess's blog.  You just have to want to clear away the clutter and works towards your own personal fulfillement, no matter what that looks like.

{All images via Makeunder My Life}

Hope you enjoy Makeunder My Life and happy Thursday!


Thanks so much for stopping by, I love reading all your comments! If you have a specific question, please email me at lhume1@mts.net. XO Lenore